The surgical sector covers the prevention, detection, the conservative and operative treatment, aftercare and rehabilitation of surgical conditions, injuries and complications arising from injuries, as well as innate and acquired changes in shape and malformations of vessels, internal organs including the heart, supporting and movement organs and oncological surgery as well as reconstructive and transplant surgery.

General surgery is a sub-set of surgery covering the basic provision of surgery ('Basic Surgery') as well as aspects of A&E, visceral and vascular surgery.

General Surgery List

-Hemonstatic and Towel Forceps
-Cotton Swab Forceps etc.
-Probes and Applicators
-Vaccination, Puncture and Suction.
-Bone Surgery
-Intestines, Stomachs and Rectum
-Liver, Gall and Kidney
-Bladder and Urology
-Maintenance of Instruments

No accessories provided.
No downlodable provided.